
Friday, July 13, 2012

Finally, A Patio of My Own

I am such a dumb butt.  For weeks I have been day dreaming about having an outdoor patio area to sit and relax outside this summer.  Every method I came up was going to be to expensive to do this year.  So I was kind of sad about it. 

A couple of days ago, I was in my living room and heard a cat crying.  So I looked out our sliding glass door (which is basically a large window to us - we don't use the door) to see if I could see this cat that sounded like it was being killed.  Then it dawned on me.  Here is my patio that I have been day dreaming about.  It was here all along.  I completely disregarded the fact that we have a patio in the back of the house.  Why did I do that?  Well, because like I said before we don't use the sliding glass door that goes out to the patio.  Everything is completely overgrown back there.

Just because we don't use the door and it is completely overgrown isn't going to stop me from turning this patio into a usable space.  I am so excited.

So without further ado, here is the future home of my usable patio.

This is the actual patio, if you can see it through all the weeds.

This is the future outdoor dining area.  Please don't judge my house that has 2 different colors on the siding.  We will be painting the whole house here soon.

I have already started my design plan.  My inspiration is this picture that you might remember from my outdoor dining area post here.

We will be tackling the overgrown weeds this weekend.  So that I can really get in there to measure the area for furniture.

I will keep you posted on the progress.

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PS I never found the cat that was crying.  So hopefully nothing happened to it.

1 comment:

  1. Omg. My old house is going to be so awesome. :D
